Practical Placement : How to Get One?

You need to find a practical placement? How to get one? As simple as that. This tips also can be use for those who looking for a job. Let me tell you a few pieces of advice. -base on my experienced

1. Try to keep in ur mind that the placement kena match dgn course yg u ambil. For example, nobody expects u to do ur placement in a kindergarten, if u'r currently studying in mechanical course kt university xkan nak bg budak2 pegang spanar + pakai topi kuning tu?

So make sure dat practical placement yg u nk pergi tu, u can gain experience n learning something new n sharing knowledge n lastly make sure la yg ur existance as trainee tu must really helping the teachers/employees/company/etc.

2. Try to start hunting of a placement place as soon as possible. Why? Trust me, there is a huge difference between looking for a place 2 months and 2 days before the placement.

Finding a place earlier- at least u boleh prepare/ ambil tahu everything about placement background yg u nk pergi tu bcoz some placements need u to pass their interview first. Don't forget to ask them about the allowance too. =)

3. Use different method of looking for a place. You could start with listing all practical placement from ur fellow student. Finding nothing? Don't worry, dunia dihujung jari. Faham-faham sendiri lah.

This doesn't work? There are other ways, please find it by urself which u need to travel from Utara to Selatan, Timur to Barat. Cari kt kawasan perindustrian. That is how I found for my practical placement, it might seem funny but it works! 

4. Be brave. No-one practical student has been there during your practical time? Or perhaps even no practical student has ever done their practical there? So what? 

But does it really matter? Don’t be afraid to explore new places and open new doors. Who knows maybe you can find something new, something interesting there? The world belong to those who dare to try. ^^
5. Still can't find anything? Don't hesitate to contact ur teachers/ lecturers. The sooner u do it, the better. It’s not a shame to use their knowledge and experience. Malu bertanya sesat jalan, u tahu tu kan? ;)

sharing is caring ^^


dariilhamkehati said... Reply To This Comment

hehehe , tips nih bukan boleh pakai tuk engineer jep nih , bakal guru mcm CP pown boleh pakai nih , tq 4 d entry :D

Natasha said... Reply To This Comment

of course! x specific utk engineering, semua pun boleh.

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